
My approach always takes into consideration the 'bigger picture' view of business goals, and user needs as well as technical possibilities in order to find the sweet spot of UX, avoiding a product that is non-desirable, useful, feasible or profitable.

I am fluent in all aspects of major UX design processes from research to design thinking, prototyping, and wireframing. I have worked within Agile/Scrum environments, and my daily tools are Figma, Axure and Jira. I value clean design that solves real-world challenges.

Always learning

I study visual trends and technological changes and follow industry leaders to keep up with new developments. Furthermore, I read relevant articles regularly and build a pool of great inspiration.

Doing my research

Firstly, I try to understand my client's business model and then understand its users. What are the pain points users have and how can we solve them, while pushing the company's business goals?

Not trusting just myself

Prototyping and user testing are important to proof designs and test them under the most realistic conditions possible. Listening to people. I don't needlessly add features if they are unimportant to a user's goals.

Keeping it simple

Simplicity is hard work, but it pays off in the long term. Keeping it as simple and intuitive as possible and finding unique, unexpected solutions to your problems. The best interface is the one you don't notice.

Learning from the best

Benchmarking is a must for every product or project as it helps find best practices and to get inspired. But I don't just copy my heroes. I find my own way and tell my own story!

Holistic thinking

I design in a sustainable way and keep the brand in mind. I work with design systems, layout grids, and pattern libraries to guarantee consistency and an easy design handoff to development teams.

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